Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Word of Advice

Just a word of advice...when your Grandma just died, it doesn't matter if it's from cancer or not...Charly is not a good movie to watch if you don't want to cry your eyes out. I don't know what I was thinking, I didn't think it would be a problem since I've seen this movies numerous times and have only cried in it twice. Tyler & I watched it yesterday, he might deny it--but he chose the movie! I did cry in it, but nothing more than a few tears at first. It wasn't til the movie had basically ended that I found myself sobbing uncontrollably. Never the less, I still love this movie and the book still remains one of my all time favorites--I have a good portion of the book memorized, its pathetic. I'll just remember to never watch this movie after someone I love has just died.

Veronica Mars: The Complete First SeasonOn a happier note, I finally convinced Tyler to start another TV series with me, we love finding new shows to watch together, and I've been trying to convince him to try this one for months. I have already watched the entire series, but was more than ready to watch it again. The series is Veronica Mars. My Uncle Matt, got me hooked on it several years back at a family reunion down in St. George, and I have loved it since--sadly though, there are only 4 seasons so I am forced to watch the same ones over and over. So far his critique would be that it doesn't solve enough for him...but having watched it myself, I am trying to convince him to stick with it, because so far everything he's seen is just setting up for everything bigger to come!


Chelsey said...

I love Charly. I have not watched it forever and Mitch has never seen it.. But I think I will take your advise and not watch it right now :)

Never seen Veronica Mars. I think Mitch would shoot me if I got hooked on another TV series. I still want to borrow OTH.

Ky said...

I'm so sorry about your grandma! But I'm not gonna lie, I'll be in a perfectly happy mood and I'll bawl when I watch that show! Every time! I've gotten to the point where once it gets halfway through, I'll just stop watching it so that it HAS to end on a completely happy note!