Wednesday, August 25, 2010

One Day Down...& a Depressing Number of them to Go!

I survived the first day of this semester! The good news, I guess, is that its one down, but sadly it also means that the EASIEST day is over :(

Here are my goals for this semester:

To get back in shape! I didn't dance at all this summer and I am starting to feel OLD. I remember having young dance teachers in their early 20's tell me how easily they'd lose their flexibility...and whine about their old bodies. I thought they were crazy, but I'm beginning to understand. I've never had such limited motion as I do now. I've always been pretty flexible and it's all come very naturally, but 3 months of summer has caused me to lose it all!!! I didn't dance today, but I did do a lot of walking! I didn't plan my schedule very well at all. I had to park out in no mans land & walk to the opposite end of campus, then I had to walk back to the other end, and back get the idea! I probably walked a mile between all that back and forth.

To actually STAY registered in all my classes I am currently in. I always take on a pretty big load, then chicken out and drop like half of them...but I'm so ready to just get lots of credits out of the way, and not worry about them anymore! I've got 17 credits this semester so hopefully I don't hate myself for taking them all, but hopefully I will be happy that I did it come December!

1 comment:

andrew and brittani said...

Don't drop them. You can do it. It will feel so good come December. I actually get my best grades when I have a ridiculous schedule because you have to be so on point with everything. Good Luck!! I'm NOT sad that I don't have to go haha