Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Sports Guy

So I just got off my brother's blog...really, he is so AWESOME in my opinion.
Especially if you are a BYU BYU fans...go check it out!
Love him to death, he is so talented!

Here is his link. Sportsguy23 Enjoy!

...Oh and did anyone happen to see NieNie on Oprah today??? I love NieNie and wanna watch it so badly myself!


The Mama said...

Your brother does an excellent job Nicole! I had no idea! I think I will have to link to his site and check back.... I love BYU football.

Bitters said...

I will have to go on his link and watch... that is cool you are so proud of him... your halloween blog is DARLING... love it....and I had lisa tape it so you and chelsey can watch it... she was AMAZING.... love her...xoxo

Lisa Bunker said...

I dvr the Oprah show, you can come and watch it when ever you want, bring Chelsey, I know she wanted to see it