Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cafe Rio.

It seems like my last post caused everyone to crave Cafe Rio and I don't blame them. If someone even says Cafe Rio I start craving it. I recently decided that I was going to start counting my calories and be more conscious of the decisions I was making. I don't really believe in dieting, because I think diets wear off and I'm not really looking to lose weight although I wouldn't be sad if a few pounds came off. I just wanted to be more aware of the decisions I was making. Ironically I'm taking a nutrition class this semester and have to do it for an assigment too. I knew that Cafe Rio's food had a lot of calories but I didn't realize how much until Chels texted me on Saturday (she has been calorie counting too) and told me how many calories were in a pork salad. I was shocked, but didn't hestitate to still go to dinner there that night. Her just bringing it up made me want it and then when Tyler suggested it, I was all for it. I did go a little healthier and did chicken, but it still had tons of calories. I ate it and enjoyed every single calorie, but because of my awareness when I go there next I will still be aware and probably make really good food choices the rest of the day so I don't have to feel so guilty! I also think that calories aren't always long you aren't overduing it and that you use them on stuff that has nutritional value. I definitely won't be cutting Cafe Rio completely out of my diet, because I love it and it does have nutrients in it. So its not all bad for me and it definitely beats processed fast food (even if its lower calories).

Want to know what you're eating? Probably not, but I'm going to tell you.

Pork Salad w/Dressing... 1210 Calories
Grilled Steak Salad w/Dressing...1130 Calories
Chicken Salad w/Dressing...960 Calories

...if you take off the dressing (but who would ever want to do that) it saves you a 130 calories for every 1.5oz. Taking

Burritos are a little lower in calories by a land slide but not by much!


Chelsey said...

Cafe Rio is worth every freakin calorie!!!!!!!!!!!! going 2 weeks strong.

Rachel said...

Okay I so didn't need to know that . . . just kidding . . . I'm sure I'll forget by the time we get to go again! Mmmm . . . Cafe Rio! I guess I should be thankful the chicken is my favorite and there is NO WAY I'll ever go easy on the dressing : )

Lindsay Smith said...

Worth it!!!

Ashley said...

Haha Nicole I love this post - so worth it! And it helps if you take the chips and the tortilla out too - I'd rather do than the lose the dressing!!