Friday, October 15, 2010

My Dream Home

I believe I jinxed myself by posting about crickets and how one was once on my bed. Well shortly after I was sitting on my bed doing some good old homework and out of the corner of my eye, I saw something black moving. I sometimes see things that I think are bugs...I'm sorta paranoid like that. So I didn't panick at first, but then it moved more into my line of vision and I freaked out. Luckily I had a quilt laying on my bed and it was on the quilt, not my actual bed. So after I calmed down a little bit, I knocked the quilt onto the floor which meant I no longer knew where in it the cricket was. I begged my little brother to come downstairs to find it and kill it for me, but he wouldn't. Thankfully hours later my mother came to the rescue--the cricket was still hiding int the blanket. The next morning I woke up to find a spider on my floor in almost the exact spot the cricket was. Eww. I hate bugs. They are one of the few reasons I don't like fall.

In case you don't believe me, I managed to get proof.

I decided I need to live somewhere bug free! you remember this guy?

 ...or this movie?

It's pretty much official, I want my own Bio-Dome, but mine will have absolutely NO bugs in it.

Thank you Pauly Shore for the great idea.


Lindsay Smith said...

I would be freaked out by crickets in my house too!

Ashley said...

You should thank Pauly Shore in person. He comes to Utah every once in a while to do stand up at wise guys. haha. I think crickets are just gross.