Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Friday I had the funniest drive I've ever had to work & had to share.
I made a stop for some food on the way in.
El Pollo Loco is right on my way and always quick so I went there.
Normally I have trouble understanding the person taking my order and Friday was no different.
His thick accent made it hard to understand anything he said.
When I got to the window, the gentleman was a blonde headed guy with NO accent!
My thought...must have been a different guy...
Next thing I know it, the guy is speaking in a completely FAKE spanish accent on the drive thru headset.
Funniest thing EVER.
Not sure why he did it, thats for sure, but I wanted to burst out laughing then and there.

After leaving there I ended up at a traffic light stopped behind a Scion TC which belonged to one of
Jean's Golden Girls! As I found out from the license plate cover.
I tried to take a picture, but the sun was shining right on it, so I couldn't get one to turn out.
One the light went green, I of course, wanted to see what this Golden Girl looked like.
I pulled up beside her...and there it was.
A handicapped parking permit hanging in the front window.
I don't know about you, but I find it VERY hard to believe that a Golden Girl passes for handicap.
These ladies know how to get their groove on, thats for sure!

I got to another stoplight where there is always a Little Cesars employee waving a big sign for Hot-N-Ready Pizzas. It was a really nice day out, and this guy had a massive puffy coat on, hood up and all.
People are interesting to say the least.

Needless to say, I arrived to work in a VERY good mood.

1 comment:

andrew and brittani said...

the spanish accent thing is hilarious.s i should try it at my work