Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day 2012

This Mother's Day weekend has been a great one. Last night we celebrated with Tyler's family. It was so nice to have his Grandma Thornock around this year. We both are loving that we get to see his grandparents a little more now that they're here in Utah! We went to dinner at Joe Banditos with everyone and it was so fun. The only downside was that I felt like we only got to talk to half the family because the table was so long! Today we went to see my mom and as the Schaefer tradition goes, Mama Schaef didn't do any cooking. Gold stars for Papa Schaef and the Schaefer children! Tyler had to go home a little after dinner to rest up so he was ready for work but the rest of us went and saw my Nana and enjoyed her company (and her ice cream pie) for a while! I am sooo grateful for all the wonderful mother's in my life. I'm going to have pretty high expectations for myself when I become a mother because of the amazing examples I have had! I am sooo grateful for my own mother and all she has done for me. I am also so glad that Tyler had such a good mom too that taught him how he ought to be. And I am also grateful for grandmother's and the love they have pshown me and for the examples they are! I have learned (and still learning) so much from my own grandmothers and am again so glad that Tyler's grandma lives closer so we can learn from her too! Mothers are the best!!!


The Mama said...

It did feel like we were at 2 separate tables!! How did that happen?

Chelsey said...

Good seeing you last night for .2! Miss you