Thursday, November 12, 2009


It is my very best friend's birthday today!
She is the most amazing girl I know.
Talented, fun, and so supportive of me!
Sooo many of my greatest memories have her in it.
Whenever I need to VENT she is my girl I go to and I love her for it!
She is getting so old...Big 20 today!

Anyway, I thought it would be fun to share some of my many memories with her.
There are so many that I'm not sure which to include. I thought about making a top 10 but realized I can't decide on a top ten so instead I'm going to post the 1st ten that come to mind.
Here it goes....

1. Learning to Snowboard together on MY birthday...and then afterword buying a cake and me clicking the Spanish button on the self check-out. Kevin freaked out, but thankfully you were there to get me through that experience. haha. thank you for taking Spanish. Who knew it would become useful at the checkout.

2. Waving at the lady while stuck in rush hour traffic in Phoenix, only to get in trouble and told to stop waving, because we might get shot.

3. Talking to the guy at the mall selling us dead sea products. Talk about a little flirter. {Tell me you love me....tell me... }Boy did he love us and we loved him back!

4. Getting thrown off my chair in Sunday School because a certain young man had a HUGE crush on you and just had to sit by you. I had never been thrown off my chair and church before that moment and never have since. I will never forget. haha.

5. Our first attempt shaving our legs. I'm not going to go into detail on this one, but YOU know how it went.

6. Hearing all about your first kiss! So funny to think about now.

7. Going to Swifts for Powerade and then to catch horny toads in Price.

8. Biting each other when we got mad. (I found it funny when everyone at the wedding shower said we never fought!)

9. Being the FIRST one to find out you were engaged!

10. Kidnapping you when you turned 16 with Brett only realizing I left all my cash at home. Thank goodness I had a LOT of change!!!

and what the heck...I just thought of one more so here is to one more!

11. Our first attempt to spray paint. I'm soo glad we shared this moment together. I was impressed by our skills!


Love you girl!
Have a very fabulous 20th birthday!
Enjoy your half-day break from work :)


andrew and brittani said...

some of these tidbits are quite funny even though i had no idea of the story that what went one behind the tidbits

Chelsey said...

ooh =) I love you. Thanks! make my day.

Bitters said...

So glad you have each other...Your both very SPECIAL to me!!! love ya xo