Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Little Luck After All

So my AWESOME cousin bought a boat this summer and he was so nice and invited me out on it. I was excited to go...but all the while wondering...with my boating luck...what would go wrong this time? We got the boat in the lake nice and quick...and then Tay went to start it. Turned the key. Nothing. Turned the key again. Nothing. Checked a few things on the boat. Nothing. There we were floating on the power. haha. great.
Thank goodness for rope. We pulled ourself to the dock. And Tay jumped off to get cables to charge the battery. Haha turns out this one is not my bad luck...more of a blonde moment for Taylor. Boats gotta be in nuetral :) Glad he had one friend smart enough to notice. The boat was started with no problem and we were off.

Did I lose anything? Nope.
Did I get hurt? Nope.
...but did I go in the water at all? Nope.

My goal for next time?

To actually get wet and NOT injure or lose anything. This would be a great accomplishment. So wish me luck!!!

...and Thanks Tay for the invite! It was fun.


Chelsey said...

Twas fun! I need the pictures!

andrew and brittani said...

Way to go!! Injury free.

Kristen said...

It could've been worse... at least you made it back to shore and had a good time on the water!!