Friday, August 21, 2009

Things to Love...Things to Hate.

I'm not sure why but my thoughts lately have been totally in categories lately. Love or Hate...nothing really inbetween so thought I'd share.
....A few of my recent thoughts...
Things I Love.
  • Sleeping in my bed at home. It is so comfy...compared to my twin at my apt...not that my twin is even that bad...but I sure do love my bed at home :)
  • The braces get to come off soon! Its been a LONG summer w/them on.
  • Catching up with one of my besties, Rach! I've missed her lately and finally got to see her last night.
  • When Tyler tells me that he wants to see me...and will be over in a few minutes.
  • When Tyler shows up with treats...even ICE CREAM...FRIED ICE CREAM, yum! Also shows up with the Hannah Montana movie (yeah, I promise I'm not even making this up. He really did!)
  • When I don't believe that he's just doing this stuff to be nice. I thought he was sucking up and there must be a hidden agenda...that or he secretly wants to see the movie and is using me as an excuse, but turns out I was wrong! (fyi this is very out of character of Tyler. This boy refuses most the time to even watch chick really? Hannah Montana w/ no asking. You would question his motives too!)
  • Soap...Baby Oil...Slip N dark!
  • How good I feel about my car is seriously old, but living where I am...there is like 5 cars I swear that are newer than mine, but look WAY worse. White car...with a red beat up door...white car with a teal colored door. Yeah. I'm grateful my car is all one color. Also there was this car starting this morning...that looked just fine...but the sound it made when starting was seriously wretched...and backing up, it sounded so bad I thought the entire car was going to fall into pieces. Good thing my car does not make that noise.
  • Going to lunch at Olive Garden with my Mom for soup, salad, and breadsticks.
  • Knowing I only have an hour & a half left at work and then it is the weekend!
  • The fact that school is only a few days away, I used to HATE school but now I sure do love it! Not to say I'm not a little scared because I am. This semester is going to be crazy. I have 16 credits which is kind of a lot, but its not the crazies who take 20...or the even craziers like my brother who get "special" approval (the max. is 20 credits) and take 21! 16 is more than enough for me. I thought 12 was kind of a lot. And that was with 3 dance classes on my plate. The other thing I'm nervous about is knowing how much time I actually spend IN class. Seems like my schedule is packed. Because I'm cursed with classes that are not worth many credits...personally I think a few of them deserve to be worth my 16 credits= 7 classes. Thats too many. However, school is still on my list of LOVES!

Things I Hate.

  • Spiders. Found one in my room last night...sitting in the tissue box by my bed...I threw the whole box away...sorry mom. It was a completely full box...but I wasn't risking far as I'm concerned they were ALL violated & contaminated by that spider!
  • When my phone dies at work. Just did this. Guess thats one of the downsides of going home and sleeping phone charger since its at the apt.
  • When there is no close parking spots at Olive Garden...I'm not so much annoyed that there weren't any close ones today, but the fact that NEVER is there close spots. I have more luck finding good ones at crazy places like Walmart than at Olive Garden.
  • Verizon's customer service.
  • Braces...stupid things make me hate smiling and also make me look like I'm what? 13? For Reals!
  • When the dryer decides to stop working...ya 3 hours of drying towels and still soaking wet...wish I would have known that before throwing the HUGE love sac cover in the washing machine. bummer.

It's pretty bad when my thoughts are all blog related. I swear...everything I do now...I'm like, I could so blog about this. How pathetic am I?


ConnieB said...

My thoughts are blog related too! It's annoying sometimes :p

I wanted to stop by and say, thanks for your comment on my post on BBL!!

andrew and brittani said...

You're not pathetic about blogging but you ARE pathetic about liking school!!!!!!!! Yuck--I hate it.