Monday, June 25, 2012

The Busy Life of Nicole

This summer has so far been an interesting one for me. I feel like I gave up my life back in April and my whole life consists of work. Its not that I'm working a long amount of hours. I think I'm averaging about 42 a week, but whats killing me is the hours that I do work. Let me start by saying I actually really do love my job. I work with a fun group of girls, in a great office with great owners and staff, however being available to work between 8:30am and 10pm makes it really difficult to plan much of anything. I think Tyler and I will probably run out of friends soon considering how many people we've turned down for things like BBQ's, movies, and all things summer because of my hours and did I mention I get to work the 4th of July? Awesome. The one upside to it all, is that Tyler is available in the day so we still find plenty of time to go do stuff together and make it so I can still have a little taste of summer. So far we've spent a few hours at 7 peaks and last week we went to the home opener Owlz game and I'm hoping to do a lot more fun stuff this week, because I work not only 1 early day this week but 2 and have my day off to play on top of that. I can't wait. Working the hours I work sure make me grateful for whatever time I get!!! I basically live for Sunday's because its the one day a week I know I always have. Yesterday was a particularly good Sunday. We went over to Misty and Russ's and played with cute little Bryce and then went to a get together for my cousin Brett's birthday. We had lots of laughs and enjoyed time with family, as always!

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