Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Words from Tyler.

One of the VERY BEST things about Tyler is how funny he is.
I know I have shared this fact many times before, but I am sharing it again, just with a new reason :)

One of things that makes Tyler so darn funny is all the funny words he makes up or the funny things he renames. Last Saturday we went out to dinner and to a movie with Jaynee and Cam. We went to the Water Gardens theater and they have sucker dispensers with Chupa Chups, only come to find out, in Tyler's world they are Chalula's. I think I will stick to his name, it's so much better especially since Chupa Chups just means suck sucks...or something along those lines.

And then there is my favorite of all...if I asked majority of people what these ---->
are, they would say Croutons. But they'd be wrong, because turns out they are called Newtons. Yes, NEWTONS! Random, I know. The best part was how I found out Tyler's lovely name for these. I don't remember why they were even brought up, but he kept talking about Newton', I was maybe thinking he was referring to Fig Newton's? I dunno. So I finally asked him what in the world he was talking about and what the heck a Newton was and he said, "you know those hard bread crumb things you put on salads." Silly me, didn't know what a Newton was, but I sure do now! Thank goodness I have a fantastic husband to teach me all these things!

...and yes, these are just 2 of MANY Tyler words...maybe I will share more soon!


Chelsey said...

He sure makes our conversations funny. "Where did Joseph go?" Can I move in? I think I would laugh all day long. Love ya Ty.

The Mama said...

Ha ha...too funny. Thanks for sharing, I can't wait to tease him about it.:)

Lindsay Smith said...

Too funny, that makes me laugh!