Saturday, May 23, 2009

Girls Night.

So I was up VERY late on Friday night...and got several early morning phone calls (coughdavecough) and texts on Saturday morning. Not a great way to start the day...I went shopping and to lunch with my mom and sister for wedding clothes. I FINALLY found a skirt...well still need to exchange it at the store for a better size, but least I got one. haha. By the time I got home I was beyond exhausted and did not really feel like going out. Its pretty rare for me to be home on the weekends and in all honesty, VERY STRANGE feeling. I had a great night though, Natalie and I spent the night chatting on my very comfy bed and we also watched Bride Wars. Such a fun movie. We did leave the house shortly though, to go get Roxberry Smoothies, because no girls night is complete without smoothies. We had fun...and I even am gonna go to bed at a somewhat reasonable hour! What a day...and completely boyless :)


andrew and brittani said...

Sounds like a great day, shopping--bride wars--talking--smoothies. Nice i'm jealous

Kate Daly said...

Roxberrys are the best!!! I'm so glad you found me on here! :)