Monday, May 18, 2009


So tonight for FHE my family and I made a trip to get some plants for our isn't much since when we moved to our house that we are in now my dad made it known that he DID NOT want a garden. So needless to say we didn't make a spot for one. Well after a few years of living here he changed his mind, so for the last few we have been planting our so called garden in spots of our flower beds. Sounds kinda tacky but it works I guess. No one ever really sees our backyard anyway. Last year our garden completely failed due to a crazy windstorm that basically ripped everything out of the ground. The only survivors were a few pumpkins and one of our crook neck squash plants. This year we changed our strategy and moved where our garden now has the fence to help protect it, so we'll see how it goes. We (being my Dad, Mom, Kev, Page, and I) bought crook neck squash, tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers, and jalepenos and got them planted. It was suprisingly a lot of fun, unfortunately we couldn't find any zucchini plants so we still need to go get one of those and we will be all set for summer :) We ended our fantastic FHE with Cafe Rio tostadas....YUM!


The Boyacks said...

LOVE GARDENS! it is funny that growing up I hated any yard work that I had to do. Now I cant wait to get out in my yard. I love it and find it very peaceful and relaxing to be out working in it. How things have changed.

The Mama said...

What a fun family night! Chad and I are finally starting a garden this year and I'm way excited about it too.