Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Birthdays...Weddings...Graduations...OH MY!

I know I already posted once today, but I have a day off and nothing to do...So figured I may as well catch up on everything I haven't blogged about.

Friends take the Back Burner during finals...
So when a GREAT friend has a birthday. I forget to post!
It was my LONG time friend Shantel's Birthday clear back in April.
She was my VERY first friend I made when I moved to Lehi as a little 6 year old girl.
And we are still friends to this very day.

True friends can go long periods of time without speaking and never question their friendship. And pick up like they just spoke yesterday, regardless of how long it has been.

This quote perfectly describes Shantel. She is such an amazing friend

We did a girls dinner at Tucanos to celebrate her birthday.
We decided it was a mistake to take pictures AFTER we ate.
We wish these were all taken before since I felt 10lbs. heavier leaving!
My side of the table.
The other side of the table.
Me & Gorgeous Birthday Girl.
After Ky's brilliant idea failed.
Maddie, Ky, and Ali decided to sing Happy Birthday at the top of their lungs for Shan!
If I didn't know any better I'd say they'd been drinking! ;)

Thanks for letting letting me celebrate 20 with you Shan! You are an amazing friend. Love you girl!

In other news...
My friend Danielle got married on the 3rd!
She was a gorgeous bride!
I envy her beauty.
Especially in this picture...
Congrats Dano & Derek!

Last but not least I thought I'd post some pics from Kev's graduation!

Congrats again Bro!

1 comment:

Shantel Williams said...

awww Nicole you are so kind! Thank you for coming to my party, posting about my birthday, and most importantly being such a great friend all these years! Youa are the best! Love ya!