Thursday, April 22, 2010

Anything is Better than Finals

I dread finals.
I hate them with all of my heart.
I am pretty good at avoiding stuff til I have no other choice.
It's funny the things I will distract myself with before cracking down and studyin' up.
I thought I'd share my most recent avoidance method.

I'll admit I'm an idiot, but this is how I feel about school.
Pulling stupid faces and taking pictures on my Mac tops homework any day.
Monday night I will be done with this miserable semester.
I can almost feel freedom and it feels good.
Too bad it will be short lived since I will be attending SUMMER school.
Talk about asking for a horrible summer.
Lucky Me.


andrew and brittani said...

I've said this more than once. But your hair cut is really cute!

Chelsey said...

Your hair looks SO cute in those pictures. and more blonde.. are you still my color? or did you change? miss you.