Saturday, December 5, 2009

Good Luck Pionette's!

Today is my lil' sisters very 1st drill competition! I'm so excited and nervous for her. She's been competing at dance competitions since she was in Kindergarten, but drill just isn't the same! I love how intense it is and can't wait for her to experience it. The nerves are way worse though too, but I know she is ready to face 'em. I hope she does well and hope the whole team does well! I had the privelege of judging them this week so they had an idea of where they stood. They did really awesome so I hope they have a great season! I'm sad I can't be in Delta today for their first invitational, but will look forward to being at the UVU invitational next week! Good Luck Pionette's! and Good luck Nattie!

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