Friday, July 31, 2009

Life's Updates.

Lot has happened since I blogged last. So let me just fill you in...if you care to read.
Tyler's Birthday was on the 17th and it was fun to get to celebrate it with him. He is gettin kinda old now...haha 23...ok thats really not that old, but I remember being younger I thinking 20 was old so 23 would have been like super old! Anyways...we both worked but I managed to get off a little early...and not planned, but he got lucky (probably since it was his birthday) and they finished work early too so we got off to a nice start. I thought I'd be all thoughtful and go get some fancy cupcakes from the Sweet Toothfairy to I did. But we never did eat them. So that was sort of a failure. We went to dinner at Olive Garden because 1. Olive Garden is yummy and 2. Jeff works there and we LOVE Jeff. We were hoping he would get to be our server so we could leave him a juicy tip, but unfortunately his area was full. After Olive Garden we went with my friend Jaynee and her boy a Drive In movie. We saw Harry Potter...definitely NOT my was the birthday boys pick...I struggled to stay awake the entire time, but no I never did fall asleep because Tyler kept shaking me or pulling my arm out from under my head anytime I was about out. Even though I don't like Harry Potter I had a great time and hopefully it was a good birthday for him. The day following his birthday we celebrated with lots of our friends out on the lake! It was a great day for boating...not for cell phones though. Mine decided it wanted to go for a swim...but turns out cell phones don't swim. The second it hit the water it sank. Next time...I think I'll be leaving my phone in the car. Apparently purses aren't safe!
I went on my much NEEDED Vacation...It was such a blast! I don't love Disneyland as much as I used to, but still was lots of fun! It was fun to go with Nate because he is finally old enough and brave enough to go on all the rides with us! San Diego though, was my highlight. I tried boogie boarding for the first time and its so much fun. I could have done it all week!
I got sick. I got sick at the end of our trip...thanks to Nathan. My family is cursed. The last 3 vacations someone...if not everyone ends up sick. I felt horrible on Saturday coming home. I was so glad to land in Salt Lake and go home and go straight to MY bed! Now...Im STILL waiting for the day that this stupid sickness goes would be day 8 of this stupid sickness. And I have a feeling it will still be here on day fun.
My greatest...newest...and most exciting news is that I'm MOVING!!! ...To a condo in Orem. I love my room at home and love my bed and love not having to pay rent, but it is a good change. I'm excited to be closer to school. I hated driving on bad roads last year and now I will only be a hop and a skip away from campus which will be nice. And I'll be closer to Tyler too :) that 25minute drive has gotten really old. to come soon!!!


Busy Bee Lauren said...

Ok, you are too cute. Can I be your friend? thanks. :)

The Mama said...

I'm so glad you had a good vacation.. and boogie boarding.. Wow!! Congrats on the new place!!