Saturday, July 11, 2009

I'm So Excited.

So I was thinking about it yesterday...and I'm WAAAAAYYY overdue for a vacation. I realized that the last REAL vacation I went on was Heritage Tours & a trip to Northern California in the Summer of '07! (REAL meaning...I don't count St. George as a REAL vacation.) That is way too long to go without some out of state fun. A week from Sunday I'm going to be in heaven...a week off of work...and a chance to sit back relax and enjoy the San Diego sun...not to mention a wonderful trip to Disneyland and Seaworld. The last time my fam went to Disneyland and Sea World everybody got pretty sick and miserable so I'm excited to go back again and actually be able to enjoy it! I'm so excited to go I can hardly stand it. I will DEFINITELY be posting pictures from my trip once I am back but until then...

Here are some pics from some of my FUN vacations from the past....

Northern California '07
Santa Cruz Beach

San Francisco @ the Golden Gate Bridge

Heritage Tours '07
Kirtland, Ohio

Toys R Us in New York

Niagara Falls

Washington D.C. Temple

1 comment:

Chelsey said...

Im very jealous. I want to get away so bad.