Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Civic Duty

It finally happened folks. I got summoned for jury duty.

Am I crazy for NOT dreading this?

Secretly I'm slightly excited...(if the above didn't make me crazy I'm certain this does!)

Maybe that will be short lived but I really don't think I will dread it like the rest of the world. I sort of have an obsession with our judicial system...weird I know!

Tyler got the news before me today, since was the one who got our mail. He came in with a big grin on his face, handed the notice to me and immediately started laughing in my face, then called me a sucker. Little did he know I wasn't at all displeased with the notice and a few minutes later informed him that really he in fact is the sucker because duh...you get paid for jury duty!!! He shot back with a..."yeah (chuckle) like a dollar an hour!" and what was my comeback you ask? Try a..."well that's more than I am making now (duh Tyler)!

Bottom line: jury duty is as exciting as things get at the Hunsaker house these days. Ugh.


andrew and brittani said...

I got summoned a couple years ago. Had to go down, get a long briefing, then get placed in jury chairs, rise for the honorable judge....and then the lawyers came in and said they just settled it out in the hall. So we got our $17 and went home.


The Mama said...

Ha ha! That is too funny. You will have to let us know how it goes!:)