Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hitting the Mark

Our first picture together :)
(crappy picture of me...but it is what it is. Ty looks great! oh...and the outfit...it was halloween. Ty did not participate in the fam party. lol...just picked me up. Hence no outfit for him.)

One year…and only one word comes to mind to describe it… WOW.
Yes, wow is right!
For one…I didn’t know that anyone could put up with me for a year.
Here is what Tyler has dealt with in just the last few weeks…
Me locking myself out of my apartment.
Me forgetting stuff that we need for school.
Me loosing my keys.
…oh and if seeing me every night and dealing with my stupid moments then isn’t enough…we’re now in school together. 4 classes of ME! ya, me and school are not friends so if you see him you should tell him good luck because I wouldn’t want to be at school with me! I’m sure glad he is though because he makes class lots better. I never knew how funny he was til I heard all the stuff he says under his breath in class. He’s a crack up ….anyway back to the subject.
… just last night I locked myself out AGAIN. And the worst part is I didn’t even leave my doorstep.
I KNOW I test his patience… I think I test my own patience so I just am glad he is still around.
Technically we haven’t been together for a whole year…I met Tyler a year ago today but I figure it counts…because once I met him and I knew I liked him…and I spent lots of time with him from there on out.
So here is our story…
First of all…Tyler’s friend/roomie just so happened to know my friend which was awesome because I don’t think we would have met otherwise…even though our friends didn’t do any of the work.
So September 8, 2008 is the first time we hung out. And it was a rather random night.
I had talked to Tyler for all of 5 minutes…if that and his friend’s dad came downstairs (his apartment was in his friends basement.) and asked if Ty would come help him give the friend a blessing. So he did just that. It was SO awkward for me cuz I didn’t really know Tyler and now I was going to go sit in on a blessing for some kid I didn’t know at all with his family. Very uncomfortable…and SO random!
Anyhow once that awkwardness was over we went back downstairs and talked for a bit. His friend later joined and I pretty much was booted from the conversation. They served in the same mission and started going on and on about the mission and sharing mission stories. I’m not even lying. It was kinda funny really. Kind of unusual first hang out but it was funny. I had a good laugh.
Now you all are probably wondering why on earth I came back? Too be honest I’m not really sure why. Lol. But something about him was just fun and full of life so I did.
Why he wanted to see me again? This is still unknown to me…because according to him I gave him the most pathetic “dead fish hug” ever when I left…but let’s face it…he was doing good to get a hug since he had been giving priesthood blessings and talking up the mish. A missionary handshake may have been more appropriate…lol. In spite of all the randomness though, I started hanging out with him more and more. The second hang out was Way Fun I thought. And he didn’t go off about the mission at all. We stuck to frozen yogurt from Spoon Me, a nice chat, a jam session is his car with his buds, and pizza, and a movie. (ok, I lied he did talk about the mission a little, but it was short and sweet.) The first date was a week from our first hang out and it was super awesome. Took me to my favorite place to eat….brownie points for him…and from then on out…we just kept on dating. ☺
Thanks for a great year Tyler!!!

Love you.

PS…he scored more brownie points tonight, because he got me the cutest 80’s tshirt at the Blink 182 concert. He’s awesome!


Chelsey said...

woo that year flew by =) Glad you two are doing good. Love you

Bitters said...

Happy ONE Year!! That is one AWESOME picture of you two.. wonder who took it....your welcome xoxo

andrew and brittani said...

You locked yourself out AGAIN!?!?! Oh dear. Can't believe this Tyler boy has been in your life a whole year..time files